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Wills & Estates

Wills and Estates Lawyers Toowoomba

Wills and Estate planning – What’s in it for me?

Like it or not, we all need to plan for the challenges life throws our way and for just plain bad luck; especially if we have family and business responsibilities. 

That is why the professionals from ReesLaw provide all clients with comprehensive and proven services in both wills and estate planning to help them to make considered choices about the future for both themselves and their families.

It is important to be confident about your will or estate plan.

Test yourself. Do any of the following questions worry you?

  • If you or your life partner become incapable of looking after your affairs who will take over? Are you happy about the possibility of it being a government official or other stranger? Have you selected your partner or a trusted relative or friend and given them directions about how they might do so?
  • Do you want to protect your loved ones from paying legally avoidable tax and stamp duty on your estate? And do you wish the assets you leave them to be protected from claims by creditors or even from a divorcing spouse?
  • I f you’re in business, do you have insurance or other funding to pay out the representatives of a partner who dies or is permanently incapacitated also provisions to ensure that the outgoing partner’s relatives do not have a say in managing or shutting down the business?

Estate planning is more than just making a DIY will. The above points are only  some of the many  issues involved in estate planning that you may not have considered. It is likely there will be something in it for you and your loved ones, not the least of which is peace of mind.

To learn more about the benefits of working with our Wills and Estates Lawyers, Toowoomba, you can contact our offices today.

Estate Lawyers for All Toowoomba Clients

For more than 38  years, ReesLaw has been the firm that clients in and around Toowoomba have turned to for expert services in all areas of estate law.

We are passionate about delivering honest, professional and dependable services to all clients, assisting them in making sensible and considered plans for their estate and assets should the unthinkable happen.

To book a consultation with our Estate Lawyers, Toowoomba clients simply have to contact our staff.

Respected and Reliable Will Lawyers in Toowoomba

Drafting a will can be a difficult and time-consuming process. But thanks to our trusted Will Lawyers, Toowoomba clients can find the services and assistance they need to make the process as straightforward and stress-free as possible.

We will ensure that your will is  what you want,  and will  tailor our services to your needs and circumstances. For more information call ReesLaw today.

The Experts in Estate Litigation across Toowoomba

For leading services in Estate Litigation, Toowoomba clients know they can’t look past the experience and skill of the staff at ReesLaw.

We fully understand the difficulties that can arise throughout the estate litigation process, which is why we work to achieve swift and fair outcomes and provide our clients with the guidance and support they need throughout the proceedings.

Our staff make sure that each client knows exactly where they stand as the matter progresses, and will always provide clear and direct explanations of what options are available to them at any one time.

To book a consultation with a member of our legal team, simply call ReesLaw today on 07 4632 8484.

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