Starting a business is practically a national pastime. We are a nation of small businesses!
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in 2020-21 there were 930,256 businesses of 19 or fewer employees in Australia.
Care and diligence is critical when starting a business for yourself.
Each year about 12% of businesses close their doors. In the period from 2017-18 to 202-21 a little over 1.1 million businesses have ceased operating.
Whether you are starting your first business or your fiftieth, starting a business is always an exciting time. But to make sure it stays exciting rather than excruciating, it pays to make sure you set it up right. Do you know the pros and cons of a partnership, joint venture, trust, company or franchise?
How you set up your business can have implications for what risk you personally take on as well as how your business pays tax. Considering the structure of your business is its very foundation, you want to be certain it is the right one to be building on.
You’ll need to decide whether to buy or lease business premises, or work from home. We would be delighted if you entrust us to assist you to negotiate the terms of a commercial lease of your premises or to assist in a purchase.
There are so many things to consider when starting a business. If it’s your first, the fear of the unknown can be daunting. A new business brings its rewards, but is insecure, hard work and often stressful. For the seasoned businessperson, you know what to expect. We can walk you through every step from setting up your contracts with support to getting required all permits so that your business can start trading.
Stephen Rees built ReesLaw from the ground up in 1994, and knows what its like to juggle all the work required to set up systems while marketing and delivering professional services.
You can draw on our knowledge and experience.
Starting a business is one of the biggest investments in time, money and yourself that you will likely ever make. So it pays to have the peace of mind that it is done right from the very start. We strongly believe that it pays to put the effort in up front rather than trying to fix things up later, which always costs more in time and money. Prevention is better than cure in business, as in life.
For more information on how we can help you, feel free to call Mr Stephen Rees for an obligation-free consultation.
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